VTF January Bootcamp

Patrick Essien

1/31/20231 min read

The Virtually Testing Foundation recently concluded a highly successful four-day hands-on threat hunting Bootcamp, which was attended by over 3,500 participants from across continents and time zones. The #Bootcamp, which was offered free of charge to all participants, focused on a range of cutting-edge topics in the field of #cybersecurity, including the #mitreattack framework, Atomic red team, and the threat group known as the Wizard spider.

The Mitre Att&ck framework is a globally recognized standard for identifying and analyzing cyber threats. It provides a comprehensive and systematic approach to understanding the tactics, techniques, and procedures used by attackers, and helps organizations to better defend against them. The Bootcamp provided participants with a deep understanding of the framework, and the skills to use it effectively in their own threat-hunting efforts.

Atomic red team is a powerful tool for simulating and detecting advanced threats. It allows organizations to test their security controls and incident response capabilities in a realistic and controlled environment, without the risk of real-world attacks. The Bootcamp provided hands-on training in using Atomic red team and helped participants to understand how it can be used to improve their overall security posture.

Finally, the Bootcamp also covered the threat group known as the wizard spider. This group is known for its sophisticated and highly targeted attacks and is considered to be one of the most advanced and dangerous cyber threat actors in the world. The Bootcamp provided participants with an in-depth understanding of the group's tactics, techniques, and procedures, and helped them to develop the skills to detect and respond to its attacks.

The Virtually Testing Foundation threat hunting Bootcamp was a huge success, providing participants with valuable knowledge and skills, and helping to build a stronger, more resilient cybersecurity community. The Virtually Testing Foundation continues to provide free resources and training to advance the field of cyber security.